
Who controls the children?

I rarely follow daypop but every once in a while something hits a nerve and this Orwell-like description of a reeducation camp for teens in Jamaica is truly a “horrifying article about a kiddie reeducation camp” .  I don’t have children but the the lengths to which parents will go is astonishing. These are classic Tranquility-parent feelings. For example, Mozingo believes his son had a serious drug problem before coming to Jamaica and Josh agrees.

An Ontology Building Tool

Found on JavaWorld: An AI tool for the real world-Knowledge modeling with Protégé, an open-source tool for developing ontologies. While artificial intelligence (AI) is often regarded as an exotic academic playground, its tools and techniques have matured to contribute to real-world software technology as well. This article introduces Protégé, arguably the most successful open source knowledge-modeling platform. Using Protégé, developers and domain experts can build conceptual models and knowledge bases and access them via an easy-to-use Java API.

Content Management Systems: Open Source

Tony Byrne has an interesting article at CMS-watch: Open-Source CMS: Prohibitively Fractured?. In it he tries to come to terms with a common problem in open source development, the proliferation of projects that address the same problem but with a different programming language or design. What appears to have happened is that development resources have become dissipated among so many different initiatives that seemingly none of them is achieving critical velocity.