
Mid Summer Ennui

I’ve got nothing to say today. My news reader light is blinking furiously, the unread count continues to grow. I’m about to pull the ‘mark all read’ switch and just let it go for a day. So apropos of nothing. What is it with all of the custom tshirt business that I keep finding on the web these days? Is it new or just another manifestation of Web 2.0 goodness?

An Interruption, a Farewell

I’m leaving Minnesota and moving to Michigan next week. I’ll be starting school at the Univeristy of Michigan School of Information. To all the people I’ve worked with at Merrill Corporation during the past six years, thank you. It’s been fun getting to know all of you and the quirks of Merrill. Best of luck to all your future endeavors, personal and professional. In the meantime there won’t be any activity on this site for a few weeks while I get settled in and decide on how the site should change or stay the same in the future.

Vacuum and Recover

I’ve reached a condition of information frustration and I’m not sure how best to recover. Over the last two to four months I became frustrated with weblogging. I could spew a lot of material and links onto the site but this never was my goal, I wanted a system that would let me enter information and return to it easily for further annotation and markup. But the weblog model has a bias toward publish once and forget.

Grid Computing for the Masses and Interesting Music

Found via Corante Apple Matters is this item on grid computing with Apple computers at Larry also has some interesting tastes in music that appear to jibe quite nicely with my own. Check out his compliments to the Fax label, Maintoba (a new one to me), and Matmos and the Rapture (with a nod to Interpol for last year). I was disappointed by the Rapture but I loved Turn on the Bright Lights, so I’ll have to check his recommendations more closely.

Blogging Hiatus

I haven’t posted for the past two months for a couple of reasons. General winter malasie, another reflective birthday turn of the clock, trying and failing to figure out what graduate school program I want to apply for, and a dissatisfaction with the way weblog writing was failing to fit in with my working thought process. I’ve collected a lot of links in various text files I use to keep daily notes, but I haven’t found a good way to convert that material into blog entries.